Flotec Sump Pumps

Flotec sump pumps are a well established brand of pumps. Flotec sump pumps are used to protect properties from flooding and other water related damage. Each year thousands of dollars worth of damage is incurred by homes and businesses throughout the US due to flooding, mould and rot. Preventing this damage and the associated costs is as simple as installing the correct sump pump system in your property.

Battery Backup Sump Pumps

Sump pumps are generally operated using electricity and some can also be fitted with alarms. This is a great thing to have except for one major concern: what happens when the power or sump pump fails for some reason? That's where battery backup sump pumps come to the rescue and give homeowners the much needed peace of mind. Even in the event of a power failure you can feel assured that your home will not flood during storms and torrential rainfall because that's the aim of the battery backup sump pumps - it kicks into action when it is most needed.

Sump Pump Problems

The importance of having a sump pump in the basement cannot be underestimated as it is responsible for keeping the home flood free. However, there are many sump pump problems that can occur, leaving the system vulnerable and opened to the possibility of not operating correctly.

Sump Pump Pit

Due to the fact that flooding occurs occasionally due to bad weather and natural disasters, having a good sump pump drainage system in the basement has now become a necessity. With a reliable drainage system in place, you can avoid the occurrence of flooding which usually cause unnecessary financial expenses and mental anguish to everyone in the family. A sump pump pit is part of the drainage system and functions like a container that collects water entering the basement and discards it through the sump pump.

Sump Pump Alarm

August 18, 2015

Sump pump alarm is a device to alert you when your sump pump is not functioning well. We all have heard stories of how, after a night of prolonged and heavy rain, some homeowners wake up in the morning only to find that everything in the basement is wet and damaged from the downpour. Some people question how this could have happened when they already have sump pump systems installed in their property. The answer to this lies in the sump pump alarm.

Choosing A Sump Pump Check Valve

August 12, 2015
Sump pump check valve is an important component of a sump pump system. Firstly we should consider the basic reason for having a sump pump system installed - that is preventing flooding and water damage to the property where the system is installed.

Sump Pump Cover

August 12, 2015
Sump pump cover is effectively a lid that is placed over a sump pump pit which serves as a drainage system in the basement. A staggering large number of homes in the US suffer damage from flooding alone each year. Whether the basement is used as a living quarters or simply for storage in the home, valuables can be lost if there is no sump pump system and sump pump cover in place.